Patient decision aid sources
- Bekker H, Thornton JG, Airey CM, et al. Informed decision making: an annotated bibliography and systematic review. UK: Health Technology Assessment Number. 1999. 3. NHS R&D.
- Bekker HL, Winterbottom A, Gavaruzzi T, et al. The dialysis decision aid booklet: making the right choices for you - Updated Sept 2017. Kidney Research UK: Peterborough, UK.
- Elwyn G, O’Connor A, Stacey D, et al. International Patient Decision Aids Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration. Developing a quality criteria framework for patient decision aids: online international Delphi consensus process. BMJ. 2006. 26:417.
- Sepucha K, Abhyankar P, Hoffman A, et al. Standards for UNiversal reporting of patient Decision Aid Evaluation studies: the development of SUNDAE Checklist. BMJ Qual Saf 2018; 27:380-388.
- O’Connor, Stacey, Jacobsen. Ottawa Personal Decision Guide. (2015). Ottawa Hospital Research Institute & University of Ottawa, Canada.
- Ferron Parayre A, Labrecque M, Rousseau M, et al. Validation of SURE, a four-item clinical checklist for detecting decisional conflict in patients. Med. Dec. Mak. 2014. 34:54-62.