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Next Steps: Navigating the Ups and Downs of Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

People with RRMS start, switch and stop their DMT options when their RRMS is active, their health is worsening, and/or their lifestyle is changing. These decisions are difficult to make because it means making judgments about your own health, the chance of a treatment working, and your work, family and lifestyle plans. Talking with family about what is important can help people make these decisions.

Given what you know now:

Answer these questions to see if you need to go back and read more information.

  • Do you feel sure about the best choices for you?
  • Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of each option?
  • Are you clear about the advantages and disadvantages that matter most to you?
  • Do you have enough support and advice to make a choice?

Here are other questions to help you talk about your DMT decisions with others

  • Is there something about my symptoms to suggest my RRMS is active?
  • Is there something in my lifestyle to suggest I need to plan for starting a DMT?
  • Is there something from my check-ups to suggest my RRMS is active?
  • Is there something in my lifestyle to suggest I might need to put off planning for a DMT?
  • Does my MS service offer all DMTs?
  • Is there something in my medical history to say one DMT type is better for me?
  • Is there something in my medical history to say one DMT type is worse for me?
  • Is there something in my lifestyle to suggest one DMT type is better for me?